How to Register

MilanMUN is a Model United Nations conference open to secondary school students from all over the world. To enrol, please follow the steps below

⚠️ We do not accept individual delegates. If you are a MUNer and wish to participate, please ask your MUN director to enrol your school.

School Registration

To register your school or MUN club, you will need:

The form allows you to tell us which countries you would like to represent (5 maximum, of which maximum 1 Security Council member). Please note we may introduce a cap on the number of students you can bring based on how many schools complete the registration.

Please contact us to check for the possibility of late registrations.

Delegate Registration

Once school registrations close, the MilanMUN team will assign countries to your delegations and distribute a link for you to allocate delegates to your assigned positions. Please note that once you submit the delegate registration form, your delegation size will be considered final and the full fee amount will be due.

Fees & Payment

€100/person (delegates and chaperones) including: lunches, a coffee break, an evening event, and conference gear (please check the schedule for more info).

After successfully completing Delegate Registration, you will receive your final invoice along with payment instructions. Fees are to be paid outright with a single bank transfer from each school's finance department. We cannot accept payments from individual delegates.